Željko Ivezić, member of A3 Managing Board, has been appointed director of the construction of a very demanding and important Rubin Observatory project, starting on 3 January 2022.
The Rubin Observatory will play an important role in answering some important questions about understanding the structure of the universe, its beginnings, details of our planetary system and our domicile galaxy, Milky Way. The technological challenges surrounding the construction and operation of the Observatory are described in more detail in the Rubin Observatory .
We wish our member of A3 Board of Directors a lot of success in this challenge and once the Rubin Observatory starts working, we believe that our members will be able to get involved in the analysis of a huge amount of data.
Željko Ivezić appointed Director of Rubin Observatory Construction | Rubin Observatory (lsst.org)[:hr]
Željko Ivezić, član Upravnog odbora A3, je postavljen direktorom izgradnje vrlo zahtjevnog i važnog projekta Rubin Observatory, s početkom mandata 3. siječnja 2022.
Rubin Observatory imati će važnu ulogu u odgovorima na neka bitna pitanja o spoznaji strukture svemira, na njegov početak, detalje našeg planetarnog sustava te naše domicilne galaktike, Mliječne staze. Tehnološki izazovi oko izgradnje i rada Observatory detaljnije su opisani na Rubin Observatory
Našem članu Upravnog odbora A3 želimo puno uspjeha u tom izazovu i jednom kada krene Rubin Observatory s radom vjerujemo da će se naši članovi moći uključiti u analizu ogromnog broja podataka.
Željko Ivezić appointed Director of Rubin Observatory Construction | Rubin Observatory (lsst.org)[:]