In the Bogdan Ogrizović Library and Reading Room in Zagreb, on December 30, 2021, contracts were signed on the implementation of projects for the Call “Strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations to popularize STEM”. The contracted projects are worth more than 20 million kuna, and are co-financed from the European Social Fund and the State Budget in the position of the Office for Non-Governmental Organizations. The contract for the project entitled LEARNING THROUGH THE GAME, worth HRK 1,709,968.59, was signed on behalf of the project holder of the GAME OF KNOWLEDGE association, the president of the association Ida Srdić and a member of A3. In addition to the holders, the Adriatic Aerospace Association, FERIT Osijek, the Faculty of Graphic Arts in Zagreb, HZTK, the University of Algebra and MIPRO are participating in the project as partners in the project. Workshops are organized in the implementation of the project “Learning through play”
U Knjižnici i čitaonici Bogdana Ogrizovića u Zagrebu, potpisani su 30.prosinca 2021. ugovori o provedbi projekata za Poziv „Jačanje kapaciteta organizacija civilnoga društva za popularizaciju STEM-a“. Projekti koji su ugovoreni vrijedni su više od 20 milijuna kuna, a sufinanciraju se iz Europskog socijalnog fonda te iz Državnog proračuna na poziciji Ureda za udruge. Ugovor za projekt pod nazivom UČIMO KROZ IGRU, vrijednosti 1.709.968,59 kn, u ime nositelja projekta udruge IGRA ZNANJA, potpisala je predsjednica udruge Ida Srdić I članica A3. Osim nositelja, kao partneri na projektu sudjeluju Jadranska Aero-svemirska asocijacija, FERIT Osijek, Grafički fakultet Zagreb, HZTK, Visoko učilište Algebra i MIPRO.
U provedbi projekta “Učimo kroz igru” organiziraju se radionice